HIV stigma comes in many forms, and it can originate from those closest to you. If you are someone living with HIV — and especially if you are a member of Black, Latino, and/or LGBTQ+ communities — stigma and discrimination can prevent you from using health resources such as testing and HIV treatment. As one myHIVteam member said, “There will always be stigma from having HIV/AIDS. The general population feels that they are immune to this virus and therefore choose to ignore it until it hits close to home.”
Ending HIV stigma is a massive task, but there are steps you and your loved ones can take to help reduce the burden of HIV stigma in your community.
About 1 in 8 people who have HIV in the U.S. don’t know their HIV status. From both a personal and public health perspective, getting tested and diagnosed is a crucial step to overcoming HIV stigma. Some people believe that only people in “high-risk groups” should get tested for HIV. However, recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 to 64 should get tested for HIV at least once in their life.
You should be tested for HIV more frequently in the following situations:
Check out your local or state Department of Health website to find out how you can get tested for free, or in a way that is covered by your insurance. Options include annual city health fairs, mobile HIV testing vans, employee or student health services, public health offices, and primary care doctor appointments. If you do get a positive test result, you will be referred immediately to an HIV doctor to get started on antiretroviral therapy (ART).
It can be scary to get tested for HIV, especially if you fear HIV stigma from health care providers or your family, partners, and friends. However, there are free and confidential ways to learn your status. Knowing your HIV status is one of the greatest tools you have to live a healthy life and help others do the same.
Knowledge is power when it comes to reducing HIV stigma. Here are some facts to have up your sleeve about HIV transmission and treatment.
Being empowered with the facts can help you correct misinformed statements about HIV.
So often, words are used as a weapon against people with HIV. When talking about HIV and people living with HIV, it is essential to use language that is accurate, unbiased, and people-focused. Here are some quick ideas to make sure you and the people around you are using helpful terminology.
Using people-centered, factual, medical language — and correcting others who use the wrong terminology — can be a powerful tool in reducing HIV stigma in everyday conversations.
Much of the stigma that people living with HIV experience comes from within. Internalized stigma, also called self-stigma, happens when a person applies negative beliefs and stereotypes about HIV to their own life.
Even before someone is diagnosed with HIV, internalized stigma can prevent them from choosing to get tested in the first place. Self-stigma also prevents many people around the world without HIV from taking PrEP. Recognizing that you may have internalized stigma is the first step to overcoming it.
If you have some internalized stigma about your HIV status, you may find yourself speaking negatively about yourself, having low self-esteem, feeling shame, wanting to be isolated, or fearing telling your loved ones about your HIV status. These thoughts are common, especially soon after diagnosis. However, it is possible to change your beliefs over time, especially with the support of others.
One myHIVteam member shared this uplifting story: “I’ve (hopefully) worked through my issues around stigma, and very rarely do I even think about it. The current person I’m dating is negative, and when I told him, he just said something like ‘Oh, that’s no big deal, I’m educated.’ Times are changing for the better!”
Whether or not you have experienced HIV stigma personally, you can take meaningful and practical actions to end HIV stigma.
If you’re living with HIV, the priority is protecting your safety and confidentiality — if you wish to keep your status private. One myHIVteam member shared that they regretted disclosing their status to some family members: “I am very selective about whom I choose to disclose my status. Many people are not knowledgeable, and stigma/discrimination remains a challenge.”
At the same time, many people are living openly with HIV and using their experience as a platform to reduce HIV stigma for others, increase awareness about the HIV epidemic, and encourage everyone to get tested to know their status. HIV is a lifelong diagnosis, so there is plenty of time to find your voice and decide if you’d like to get involved in advocacy work.
If you have a loved one living with HIV, use your voice to call out HIV stigma when you hear it. Educate yourself on HIV facts to be able to call out myths and misconceptions when they come up. Help to normalize HIV testing, PrEP, and ART. Identify racial and sexual identity inequities in access to these resources, and advocate for change.
Some ways to speak up for change outside of your everyday conversations include posting advocacy messages on social media, attending protests and signing petitions, and calling legislators to protect health care access for people living with HIV. Even sharing your story on myHIVteam can help those who have been newly diagnosed realize that people with HIV can have long, healthy lives.
On myHIVteam, the social network for people with HIV and their loved ones, more than 41,000 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand life with HIV.
Have you or a loved one experienced HIV stigma? What steps have you taken to help end HIV stigma in your community? Share your experience in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.
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Knowing your HIV status is half the battle; then educate others about HIV. It's a chronic illness like many others, and it does require lifelong treatment and care. So then what is the difference? We… read more
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