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Top 10 search results for "would you taking your meds and start taking the i njectiable kind" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Hello, I Am From Denver, Colorado, I Am An Immigrant, I Have Recently Arrived, Can Anyone Help, Where Can I Find Help For Treatment?

Hola Soy De Denver Colorado, Soy Inmigrante Estoy Recién Llegado, Alguien Que Pueda Ayudar Donde Encontrar Ayuda Para El Tratamiento?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

I have just arrived, and I don't have a way to buy my treatment, when I start working that would be the first thing I would do to pay for insurance and they will help me with all that, I am very disciplined with my health, I have been on treatment for about 2 months but I don't want I will need them later.

Estoy recién llegado, y no tengo como comprar mi tratamiento, ya cuando empiece a trabajar eso sería lo primero que haría pagar un seguro y que me ayudarán con todo eso, soy muy disciplinado con mi salud, tengo tratamiento como 2 meses pero no quiero que más adelante me hagan falta.

Treatment for HIV Read Article...
A myHIVteam Member

Here are some options for seeking help for HIV treatment in Denver, Colorado:

1. Local Public Health Centers: Public health centers offer HIV care, including testing and prevention, regardless of… read more

Aquí tienes algunas opciones para buscar ayuda para el tratamiento del VIH en Denver, Colorado:

1. Centros de Salud Públicos Locales: Los centros de salud públicos ofrecen atención para el VIH… leer más

Does Anyone Here Know Where I Can Find Help For People With HIV In Denver Colorado?

Alguien De Aquí Sabe Donde Puedo Encontrar Ayuda Para Las Personas Con VIH En Denver Colorado?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHIVteam Member

check the provider directory on this website

Hello, Does Anyone Know Where I Can Seek Help For HIV Treatment? I Am New To The US

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHIVteam Member

@A myHIVteam Member, actually at the moment that link is not working. I have reported it. Everything that our members have contributed to that link have seemed to have been deleted probably by a site… read more

Feeling Sick After Taking Your Meds.

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Ever since I start taking my HIV MEDi n the morning, I'm always feeling sick. And usually that's the time I have to go to work. And these days I can't eat Mexican food without feeling nauseous in my stomach. I wonder if this the meds make me feel like that. And I'm only taken biktarvy, my B-12 and my metformin in the morning.

A myHIVteam Member

I always take my meds with food. That seems to help. I used to love hot red and green sauce. But I haven't tried that in years.

Do You Take *Genvoya*

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Butterfly50 would like to know...
Good morning I am reaching out to anyone. I've been taking Genvoya for a couple of months. I'm having something going on with my heart and I feel tried all the time. And I'm always depressed. I told my doctor and she refused to change my medication. So I'm asking if anyone that's taking this med. To let me know what kind of experience you have taking Genvoya. Thanks in Advance...Butterfly50

A myHIVteam Member

Took it for years with no problem

Look What I Finally Found Printed In Poz Magazine.

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

I have mentioned this several times about this study being done in Europe, yet not ever mentioned in the United States. 2 years later (no surprise) it is FINALLY mentioned in the United States. I am doing this study on my own.

A myHIVteam Member

Pissed but I told her I was doing it anyway. So I go in for blood work every 3 months and back then I sent her the study they were doing at that time. This study is now past 96 weeks with a 97%… read more

Newest Treatment Coming Soon

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

I’ve read that those of us on once daily ARVs might be a thing of the past in the very near future. Many studies are showing real promise that injectables are going to be the new gold standard treatment.we have cabanuva currently but from what I’m understanding soon there will be more injections options where one injection a month is all that’s needed. I’m on the fence on whether I like this option. Taking 1 pill a day is not a big deal but it’s a reminder every day that you have this disease… read more

A myHIVteam Member

Was on stribild and good results, doctor recommended I switch to Cabenuva 1 shot every other month. I will get my 4th shot next month and so far I’m impressed with it. Side effects are almost none… read more


A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Taking meds daily at the right time can keep up undetectable. For some people, after awhile that/those pill/pills can get frustrating. Have you or had you, ever decided to stop taking your meds? If you stopped, are you still off them? If you stopped and restarted, what made you restart? Have you ever thought about it but never did it?

A myHIVteam Member

I think about stopping my meds all the time. I feel like I'm ready to be done but than I remember how horrible I felt before I went on meds. I was so sick. I don't want to feel that way again. I'm… read more


A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

HIV therapies are a must to keep the virus in check. Keeping the time you take your pill(s) at the same time everyday will help keep you at an undetectable level. Besides taking your HIV regimen​ religiously every day, do you tend to lag behind on any other medications you take? I take my HIV pill at 8pm every night. But my neurapathy pill, inflammatory pills, lung medication I tend to lack on sometimes. I have alarms set to take my meds, but sometimes I just don't take them. BESIDES your HIV… read more

A myHIVteam Member

I make it my ritual to take my meds , they are right there with water at the foot of my bed on my desk ready and waiting for each day. I do have issues with the timing of hiv med, but mostly it is at… read more

Eating Food And Taking Medication.

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Ok so this could be a continuum of the last question I posted about sun exposure. But I will just make a different post. Since this is on my mind now (because I JUST DID IT), I had another question about how to take your medication
A lot of the HIV pills you must take with food. What if you are in a position to where you can't eat but must take your pill? Do you take your pill without eating? Do you find a quick bite to eat somewhere or somehow
I had an early supper and ate heavy. Now that it… read more

A myHIVteam Member

I take it regardless if I have food with me or not but I try and make sure I do eat something within an hour of taking my med. Only 1 of the 4 meds I take for HIV suggests taking it with food. I have… read more