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Top 10 search results for "belly fat" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

I Am A Woman Who Wants To Date Men Again. Why Do I Feel Like I Am Too SCARED 😥😥to Start. Does Anybody Else Put Up DEFENSE'S????🤔🤔

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHIVteam Member

For me yes very scary because whenever you tell them it's a different interest.than everything changed to oh I'm so sorry and maybe a few phone calls and that's all just disappear.and for the one who… read more

Has Anyone Experienced Hard Belly Fat?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Was curious if others have experienced hard belly fat.

A myHIVteam Member

Sexymilmil4 glad my answer was useful to you. Hope you are having a good happy Friday today

Here Is Some Good Info For Belly Fat With Hiv

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

I Just Turned 55. I Have Been HIV Positive For 25 Years And Just Recently Have Experienced The Excessive Belly Fat. Very Upset About It.

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHIVteam Member

It's not listed, and you have to research. Some meds cause insulin resistance. It's hard to lose weight if your insulin resistant. You have to find a diet that lowers your insulin. Whether it's… read more

Do You Like How You Look Now?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Sometimes HIV and its medications wear on us.
Whether it be weight, arthritis or other ailments like facial wasting , it can take its toll.....🙄
Has HIV affected your looks?

A myHIVteam Member



A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

I have a question. How can I get rid of my belly fat and gain muscle. I try and try and try and I gain fat and very little muscle. The only bit of muscle, is in my arms. Any advice, will be greatly appreciated, thank you.

A myHIVteam Member

Serostim is used for HIV related weight loss or wasting. Not for belly fat. The only recourse I have is with exercise and diet. U may not get rid of al of it. Also, do you have low testosterone? That… read more

Does Anyone Have Hard Belly And Is Overweight Due To Biktarby? Is There Medicine To Stop The Weight Gain Or To Loose It?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

I gain significant weight since I started Biktarby. Most of it is on my abdomen and have a hard belly . I become very depressed and insecure because I never been this heavy I am 5'9 and am 250lbs. Before I started Biktarby I weight 146lbs. I been 135-146lbs since I was 18 till two years ago. No one in my family is over weight. I started to gain weight rapidly since I started medication . I gone on diets and exercise and lost at most 15lbs but then I gain them right back. I had to throw away… read more

A myHIVteam Member

I was on that med and it was not good weight gain,upset stomach,over all felt sick and miserable for 8 month could not do so, I asked to switch new med that is very common in Europe thats all in one… read more

Has Anyone Dealt With Lipodystrophy Aka Hardbelly ,and How Your Doctors Helped With The Issue

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHIVteam Member

I also would like to know more about hard belly.


A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

When I was diagnosed with AIDS last year (July '17) I weighed 150 lbs. Since then I have gained almost 50 lbs. I watched a video on about lipodystrophy and I'm wondering if that is what is happening with me.

I have other health issues which keeps me from serious exercise but I do walk 6-10 miles a day for several months and still have not been able to lose more than 6 lbs. I have even improved my diet to add more protein and cut down on carbs and sugars.

Shortly after I began seeing… read more

A myHIVteam Member

I'm fat, don't like it but I'm still here, everyone isn't meant to be a size 2,imjs🤗 but life goes on 😂

What Can I Do To Lose The Belly Fat ?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Although like many of us the weight gain is a struggle, I finally have lost the weight, however I still have belly fat. It really was a shock to me because I have always been slender

A myHIVteam Member

how often do you fast?