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Top 10 search results for "i have been taking these 3 medications isentress intellence emtricitapine for 8 plus years why under treatment cant i list all 3" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Do You Actually Know How To Take Your HIV Medication?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Have you ever read the pamphlet on your medications?
Some medications you can just take them without food.
Other medications you have to take them with food.
for the medications that you have to take with food do you know what kind of food you have to eat to make that drug work at its maximum?
Did you know that some HIV medications work better when you eat fatty foods?
It's important to read those pamphlets that come with the medications then you know how to actually take your medications.

A myHIVteam Member

I take money as instructed but find
That being awake and not at home
I take asap
I have been on many years and feel sometimes is okay but generally I am on time and don't want the drug to fail an… read more

ART Medications

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Is anyone concerned about ART meds? Yes, they keep a grip on our virus, but what is it doing to our overall bodies?

A myHIVteam Member

Of course the meds destroy every organ and bones u have..but u live longer! just depends on how u feel about it worth more years or not! either way u suffer because it takes so long to… read more

Has Anybody Experienced Having Weak Or Really Bad Teeth Problems?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

UPDATE....It was the Gabapentin. I was also taking Gabapentin but I stopped taking them when I read an article linking them to tooth decay and other problems. My body went through very painful muscle spasms (withdrawal symptom) for a few days after I stopped taking them. I will soon be getting dental implants to replace the teeth I lost

I brush my teeth at least 3X a day. 2 years ago I started taking Intelence. I've noticed that my teeth have gotten considerably weak and some teeth have… read more

A myHIVteam Member

There are offices that do take Medicaid & Medicare. I'm on that insurance and get regular checkups for my teeth. I had to research and look a for along time.

Genvoya Isn’t The Miracle I Expected...anyone Else Having A Time With It And Switched To Another ART?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Well unfortunately @@Genvoya is not what I expected. I have every side effect listed plus a few more. Here we go...insomnia, lack of appetite, nausea, headache, diarrhea, rash, worsening neuropathy, nightmares nightmares nightmares and this strange thing which makes my eyebrows tingle after I take the dang stuff. My ID Doc wants to switch me and of course she says she has never seen this with one of her patients...lucky me. My question is this: Anyone else have issues with @@Genvoya and have… read more

A myHIVteam Member

I had no problem taking genvoya. I don't understand why I'm hearing that some were on genvoya and sustiva at the same time. I have never had to take two pills at one time. I was on sustiva for… read more

What Medicine Do You Take?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

I have no idea why or how but according to my viral load test my VL went from undetectable to 93. I have never missed my biktarvy. None of it makes sense.

My doctor mentioned possibly switching from biktarvy to something else to see if another medication would “jump start” my cd4. Now she may really want to since my VL is increasing.

A myHIVteam Member

I’ve taken several different meds for hiv. Sometimes because of drug resistance, others because they don’t work like they should.

I’ve been on one called duranavir (I think that’s how you spell it)… read more


A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Taking meds daily at the right time can keep up undetectable. For some people, after awhile that/those pill/pills can get frustrating. Have you or had you, ever decided to stop taking your meds? If you stopped, are you still off them? If you stopped and restarted, what made you restart? Have you ever thought about it but never did it?

A myHIVteam Member

I think about stopping my meds all the time. I feel like I'm ready to be done but than I remember how horrible I felt before I went on meds. I was so sick. I don't want to feel that way again. I'm… read more

How Has Your Current Antiviral Medications Been Treating You?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Whether you're on the injection or pills, are you happy with your current medication?

A myHIVteam Member

PS: TROGARZO is $14,700 for the first loading dose. Then $8,400 per month for each additional dose. Trogarzo requires AVT in addition in order to maintain an undetectable status.

What Medication Do You Take?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

So, I ask this because it lets us all know about other medications available and reviews on them. I understand everyone is different and side effects may vary, but I'm asking specifically about your experience with the medication. Thank you for sharing/responding and have a blessed day.

P.S. - Does anyone know if there any HIV medications that have weight loss as a side effect?!

1. What HIV medication do you take
2. How do you like it/ How well does it work?
3. Side Effects?
4. Would you… read more

A myHIVteam Member

"Biktarvy" I started 5 years ago

Anyone On Juluca Or Its Components Endurant And Tivicay?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Is anyone out there on Juluca? Biktarvy is a definite NO as Genvoya almost killed me and my current two pill combo Prezcobix and Isentress has to go. Just been doing my research as my natural course was derailed by a nasty viral infection so I’m looking to get as much of these toxins out of my regimen and Juluca is the first with only 2. Thanks everyone💫

A myHIVteam Member

Yes, there are people who have taken Tivicay (Dolutegravir) and Edurant (Rilpivirine):

- Tivicay (Dolutegravir): 1017 people have indicated they have taken Tivicay
- Edurant (Rilpivirine): 65 people… read more

What Would Happen If I Just Took Half Of My Biktarvi Pill Every Day Instead Of One?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

I am leaving the country for a few months and got dropped with a bomb with my insurance - they said a few months ago I could have a vacation override but now as I am preparing to leave they have changed their greedy tune and said I can only get two months instead of three. I am preparing to cut my biktarvi doses in half as I have no choice. Will it still work?

A myHIVteam Member

Taking only half of your Biktarvy pill instead of a full one each day is not recommended. According to the prescribing information, Biktarvy must be taken once a day at its full dose to be effective… read more

Tomar solo la mitad de tu pastilla de Biktarvy en lugar de una completa cada día no es recomendable. Según la información de prescripción, Biktarvy debe tomarse una vez al día en su dosis completa… leer más